The oil pressure warning light illuminating while driving your Honda Accord means there is a potential issue with the engine’s oil pressure. This requires immediate attention, as driving with low oil pressure can rapidly lead to engine failure.

In most cases, the cause is low oil levels. However, there are other possible issues that could trigger the flashing oil light, from faulty sensors to worn-out oil pumps. Identifying the specific problem is crucial before attempting to fix it.

This article will explore the various causes of the oil light flashing on the Honda Accord and provide actionable solutions to get your engine oil pressure back to normal. With some basic mechanical knowledge and the right parts, many oil pressure issues can be resolved without a trip to the mechanic.

Common Causes of Flashing Oil Light

There are four major reasons why your Honda Accord’s oil light may start blinking while driving:

  • Low Oil Level
  • Faulty Oil Pressure Sensor
  • Failing Oil Pump
  • Clogged Oil Filter

Low Oil Level

The most common trigger for the flashing oil light is simply having low or insufficient engine oil. The oil level may be low for several reasons:

  1. Oil leaks – External or internal leaks can cause oil to gradually drip out. Check for leaks around gaskets, seals, and the oil drain plug.
  2. Failed oil change – If the oil wasn’t refilled properly after a change, it may be well below the “Full” mark.
  3. Oil consumption – With high mileage, piston rings may wear and allow oil to be burned off in the combustion chambers.
  4. Damaged oil pan – Cracks or holes in the oil pan from impact or corrosion can also lead to low oil.

Regardless of the reason, low oil fails to properly lubricate and pressure critical engine components, triggering the oil light.

Faulty Oil Pressure Sensor

The blinking oil light may come on due to problems with the oil pressure sensor and switch:

  1. Bad sensor – Sensors can fail internally and give false low pressure readings to the warning light even when the oil level and pressure are fine.
  2. Sensor wiring – Damaged wiring between the sensor and the warning light bulb can cause issues with the circuit and light illumination.
  3. Low pressure switch – Some vehicles have an oil pressure switch instead of a sensor, which can similarly fail and activate the light.

These oil pressure sensor and switch problems end up tricking the warning light into turning on unnecessarily.

Failing Oil Pump

The engine’s oil pump maintains oil pressure and circulation throughout the motor. With enough wear and mileage, oil pumps can begin to fail:

  1. Pump damage – Debris, sludge, or dirt inside the pump can score the housing and gears, reducing pressure output.
  2. Pump gap – Excessive clearance between the pump gears and housing also diminishes pressure capacity.
  3. Pump malfunction – Internal parts like the pressure relief valve, springs, and gears may fatigue and no longer move oil efficiently.

Oil pump breakdowns directly impact the oil pressure within the engine and will trigger the warning light as pressure drops.

Clogged Oil Filter

Oil filters must be changed regularly as they collect contaminants suspended in the engine oil. A very clogged filter can restrict oil flow:

  1. Infrequent changes – If the oil filter is not changed per the manufacturer’s interval, it may become fully packed with debris.
  2. Use of low-quality filters – Cheap filters with less filtration media can clog up much faster than a high-end filter.

The restricted oil flow path from a clogged filter lowers oil pressure and volume circulating in the engine, often activating the oil light.

How to Diagnose the Root Cause?

When your Honda Accord’s oil light starts flashing, don’t just add oil or hope the problem goes away. Take a methodical approach to properly diagnose and repair the issue:

Step 1 – Safely Stop Driving Immediately

As soon as you see the warning light, carefully pull over and shut off the engine as soon as possible. Continuing to drive with a flashing oil light risks immediate engine seizure. Get the car towed if needed.

Step 2 – Check Oil Level and Quality

Pop the hood and check the dipstick. If the oil level is low, top it off and re-check. Ensure the oil is clean without sludge. Consider an oil change if it is dirty.

Step 3 – Scan for Leaks

Look under and around the engine for signs of oil leaks. Inspect gaskets, seals, filters, drain plugs, oil pan, etc. Note any external leaks present.

Step 4 – Inspect the Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch

Unplug the oil pressure sensor or switch connector and check for corrosion or damage. Read sensor live data if possible, or just replace the sensor if aged.

Step 5 – Check Oil Pump Operation

An experienced mechanic can test oil pump output pressure and volume specs. A pump failure may call for a full pump replacement.

Step 6 – Replace Oil Filter

Swap out the existing oil filter for a new high-quality brand filter to rule out any potential clogging issues.

Oil Light Flashing On Honda Accord: Fixes

Many oil pressure problems on a Honda Accord can be corrected yourself with basic tools and repairs:

Refilling Low Oil Level

Keep engine oil topped up to the “Full” mark on the dipstick. Use the manufacturer-recommended oil viscosity. Reset the oil change reminder light if needed.

Fixing Oil Leaks

For external oil leaks, replace worn gaskets and seals with silicone or rubber components. Carefully tighten components to torque specs. Internal leaks may need engine work.

Changing the Oil Pressure Sensor

Unplug the old pressure sensor, remove the mounting bolt, and install the replacement part. Make sure the wiring connector is secure.

Swapping Oil Filter

Drain oil, spin off the old filter, apply a film of fresh oil to the new filter gasket, and hand tighten. Refill engine oil to the proper level and reset the light.

Oil Pump Replacement

Extensive oil pump repairs require the removal of the oil pan. This allows the oil pump to be accessed and replaced with a new unit. Use a torque wrench for reassembly.

How Far Can I Drive with My Oil Light Flashing?

Driving any significant distance with a flashing oil warning light can lead to catastrophic engine damage. As soon as the oil light illuminates, you should safely pull over and shut off the engine immediately. 

The flashing light means oil pressure is critically low, which will almost instantly start causing metal-on-metal contact of engine parts not getting proper lubrication. Even driving just a few additional miles could ruin the engine bearings, pistons, cylinders, and other components. 

Every second the engine runs without adequate oil pressure increases the likelihood of a complete seizure. Do not take any chances – get the vehicle towed if needed and diagnose the issue before attempting to drive it any further.

How Serious Is an Engine Oil Light?

Illuminated oil light is extremely serious and should never be ignored. The oil pressure warning light indicates the engine oil pressure has dropped below the minimum safe level to properly lubricate internal moving parts. 

Without urgent attention, an oil light means you run the risk of completely ruining your engine in short order. Low oil pressure allows too much metal-to-metal friction and can quickly lead to the seizing of bearings, pistons, valvetrain components, and more. 

Continued operation with a flashing or glowing oil light almost always results in major engine damage, needing extensive repairs or even complete replacement. It is one of the most serious warning lights and should result in immediately stopping the engine.

How Do You Know If Your Oil Pressure Is Low?

Since most vehicles do not have an actual oil pressure gauge, the oil warning light is the main indicator of low oil pressure. Older vehicles may use an oil pressure gauge in place of just a warning light. 

But when the light is illuminated, it means oil pressure has dropped below 5 to 10 psi, well below the normal range. There is no other clear symptom that oil pressure is low aside from the warning light itself. 

That’s why the light is so critical and needs to be addressed urgently when it appears – it’s the only alert before engine parts rapidly start failing from lack of lubrication. Do not rely on noises or engine behavior to indicate low oil pressure. Only the oil light can definitively notify the driver of insufficient oil circulation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if my Honda Accord oil light is flashing?

If the oil light starts flashing while driving your Accord, pull over and shut off the engine immediately to prevent potential engine damage. Do not continue driving with the flashing oil light on. Check the oil level and have the vehicle towed if needed.

How Do I Check The Oil Pressure On My Honda Accord?

There is no direct way to check oil pressure on most Honda Accords. The flashing oil light indirectly indicates low pressure. An experienced technician can attach a mechanical oil pressure gauge to get a psi reading if needed for diagnosis.

Can Low Oil Cause The Oil Light To Flash On My Honda?

Yes, low or insufficient oil is the most common reason for the oil light to flash. The oil level needs to register between the low and high marks on the dipstick. If below the low mark, it can trigger the warning light.

What Damage Can Driving With The Flashing Oil Light Cause?

Continuing to drive with low oil pressure indicated by the flashing warning light can lead to extreme engine wear, scoring of internal components like bearings and cylinder walls, seizure of moving parts, and complete engine failure.

Will Adding Oil Stop The Flashing Oil Light On My Honda?

If the reason for the flashing light is simply a low oil level, then adding oil to reach the proper level on the dipstick may turn off the oil light. However, if there is an underlying issue like leaks or pump failure, more repairs are needed.


Seeing the dreaded flashing oil warning light in your Honda Accord means there is an engine oil pressure issue that requires diagnosis and repair. In many cases, the problem stems from low oil levels, leaking oil, clogged filters, or faulty sensors. With the right mechanical inspection, oil system repairs, and ongoing preventive maintenance, you can eliminate that nuisance of oil light and keep your Accord’s engine running smoothly for years to come.